Shama’s Page

Hello There, can you hear me?

I spend most of the first half of the book in the heart of heaven. As you know there are three mandatory celebrations every year. I say mandatory, but let’s be honest. who has to be forced to attend one of these great celebrations?

Truth is, we are extremely disappointed when we must stay behind to be the skeleton crew at work when everyone else gets to attend.

Last celebration, Ezer and I were the “left behind skeleton crew”. Imagine our surprise when that messenger came ordering everyone to stay behind this time. Everyone that is except Ezer and me.

Our surprise increased as we left the solar system then the galaxy. The further from earth we traveled, the more the rumors increased. Evidently, there was a great military buildup between the last celebration and this celebration. Everyone who had ever been in the military was recalled to duty — except our sector was not to know about it. How can millions be recalled without a news network knowing about it? Every one knew except us. This wasn’t just a couple of old soldiers getting together, this was everyone who had ever served being recalled for months of special training.

But, as they say in the commercials: “Wait! There’s more!” Not only is the military buildup greater than what we had during the great rebellion, we also hear there is to be a military review and The King is bringing out The Great White Judgement Throne. How can all these things take place at the same time?

Our surprise grew even more when, once we got to the gates of the celebration grounds, we learned that the celebration was canceled. Explain that to me. How can a mandatory celebration ordained by The King Himself, be canceled?

Well the first thing we did was start out on that fifteen minute walk from the celebration entrance to H.N.N. Headquarters in the heart of the Celestial City. It took us an hour because of the crowd.

Although we did not know it, Ezer and I were about to head out for a very long walk and enter the very throne room of heaven. What we see, what we hear, the boredom of waiting, the excitement of being there. This is a trip I would not give up for anything. Think of it, The King himself making a personal appearance.

Tom’s Page

Chatubath’s page