Madan’s Page:

Oh, Hi there.

i’m not sure why I was invited to speak, I am not a reporter.

I work for Professor Tur. My job is to make certain all the instruments measuring the earth stay within calibration.


Oh. well we have these instruments spaced every kilometer over the entire surface of the earth measuring the temperature, humidity, deflection variations, insolation, wind speed and a slew of other data of Earth. We want to know everything about everything that happens.

Of course to do this, I have a special pass allowing me to work on Earth.

Satan pretty much leaves me alone, only because he wants to know the information we gather also. He knows the Mabbul is coming and wants to know when just as much as any of the rest of us. Maybe more so.

Well, that’s why I was on the planet when the Mabbul started. A number of instruments were out of range and it was my turn to make the adjustments.

That’s about all I can tell you. You will have to ask Tom what happened next. All I know is the earth opened up, and when it burst, I did not stick around very long.