The Format of Mabbul and the Emerald Planet:

Mabbul and the Emerald Planet is actually a complete Trilogy: three books of two sections each.

The first section (part A: Troubles) describes what the planet looked like before the flood, and why God decided to destroy it.

The second section (part B: Noah’s Construction) follows Noah as he builds the ark. What were some of the obstacles he needed to overcome?

The third section (The Heavens) follows heavenly events. Much of this section takes place at the same time Trouble and Noah’s Construction is being told by the reporters, so I folded the third section into the first and second. As such, only two chapters were left after the construction was completed. For this reason, it is not given its own designation.

Originally, I had a picture of a color burst to set off this section. However, because the book is printed in black and white, it did not work. The picture is deleted in the book, but I include it here for you to study when you get to that part.

The forth section, (part C: The Rupture) is where the flood begins. The Hydroplate theory has one assumption: the crust covers the entire planet (as apposed to Pangaea) below which is a pressurized layer (Vault) of carbonated salt water. The flood occurred when the crust ruptured and the vault water burst forth.

The flood is described in four stages: 1) the rupture, 2) the flood, 3) the hydroplaning, and 4) recovery. Of course, since I am interested in following my characters during the flood, we join them and watch these events from various locations. What was it like to live on the ark?

The fifth section, (part D, Mabbul and Flood). Here I give my interpretation of the flood as I understand the theory and the physics. Several drawings explain what I imagine.

The sixth section, (part E, Hydroplating and Recovery) describes what happens to bring the flood to an end.

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