Professor Tur:

Hello, My name is Professor Tur. Do not let this tweed suit fool you. In reality

I was fortunate to have been assigned the portion of the Milky way galaxy, which includes the solar system, and especially the planet Earth. from its inception.

Our duty is to search out the secrets of creationand allof nature.

From the beginning of creation, my job has been to explore and catalog the sciences of this universe. I was there when El created time, The elements, electromagnetism, gravity, the universe, plant life, sea life, animal life and mankind. We spent over sixteen hundred years learning the secrets of creation as best we could, Unfortunately, El created everything with such intricacies and infinite detail that many of the secrets of life are still not understood.

For example, we still do not understand electromagnetism, or gravity, and we definitely cannot control time.

I wrote a chapter explaining and elaborating on the evidence showing that the speed of light is slowing down. But the proffers of the book thought it was too complicated so we moved it into the deleted chapters.

I suppose, however, I should discuss the events of this episode.

I was given a special assignment explaining some of our discovers of how the mabbul or flood might take place. The first thing I need to explain is what the world might have looked like before the flood according to the hydroplate theory. /You see, the earth did not look at all like it does now. It had a continuous crust about ten miles thick with a thin layer of pressurized water between the crust and mantle. It had no oceans like we have today. instead maybe small seas . no oceans

Future Projects

I am working on a number of projects: one is to convert the book into an audio book. I am hoping this will happen over the summer and be ready by fall. I will keep you posted as this project progresses.

I am also working on translating this book into a verity of languages.

I am not going to mention which languages we are working on at this time, except to say if anyone knows French or German, I am looking to add those languages to my list of projects.

This blog is for the translators. There are many nuances and idioms used in this book. It is based on the western culture. Therefore, I expect many questions concerning how to translate. Ask a question and I will explain what is meant. Then we will need to figure out the best way to translate.

Anyone who speaks multiple languages understands that translation is an art. Sometimes word for word translations are best. Sometimes sentence by sentence, sometime translating ideas is best. It will take work and each language and culture will have its own set of challenges.

So, when we begin translating, this is where the Q and A will be.

I imagine, the first set of question will concern Halak’s speech pattern. that will be interesting. Later, Smitty’s use of contractions and dialect will also be very interesting.

Well, my friends, good luck.

Literary Devices

After my parents read the copy of Mabbul and the Emerald Planet which I sent them.  My mom, a retired English teacher, asked if the use of all the literary devices were intentional. “Well”, I answered, “I may not know all the names of all the devices, I doubt that I went out of my way to incorporate any device, I just wrote and this was the way I told the story. 

Now that the book is written, we went back to evaluate the book as if we were in some English lit class.   Keep in mind that most things being dissected do not survive the dissection.

Literary Devices refer to the typical structures used by writers in their works to convey his or her messages in a simple manner to the readers.  When employed properly, the different literary devices help readers to appreciate, interpret and analyze a literary work.


Charles’s book Mabbul and the Emerald Planet left me feeling complete. It answered all of my questions about the historical implications of the flood referenced in Genesis. It brought the account to life in both an accurate and entertaining way, highlighting key scientific theories and evidences to support. I thought of this book as a sort of hybrid: a great blend of science, history, and fiction. I highly recommend this book to anyone, skeptic and theist alike. You do not need background to comprehend the theories discussed, but it does help to make the experience richer. It was a solid read! – Chelsey B

“Unexpected twists and turns.” Tom F

“A Treasure Trove of Literary Devices. I would not hesitate to use this in a classroom.”  ZBG

“Great theological discussion with a layman’s vocabulary. Well laid out and logical.” “You have successfully disassembled all the myths surrounding Noah’s flood, then reassembled them correctly” ELG

Next page: Sample chapters

March 3

I just received the monthly progress report from the publisher. The book has gone on to the copy editor, and another editor. There are three ways this is edited.

The cover seems to be hitting a snag. Most of the books published by Redemption Press are non-fiction and I specified something quite different from what they are accustom to doing (imagine me wondering outside any ol’ box). I would be happy with a cartoon looking cover, they deal with pictures. Well, that’s my impression.

Actually, I do not have a firm picture in my head concerning the cover. If I have Tom looking at the planet the way I thought of at first, the cover misses what the book is about: the flood.

I suppose any cover design should have something to do with the ark, but my ark is different from most pictures and designs out there. I am rectangular, no fancy hulls or curves. Like a big barge.

I have many pictures in my head, after all, drawing pictures with words is a major part of writing. there are many fun scenes, any one of them could be used as a poster to advertise the book. but the book wanders in so many interesting places.

Anyway, stay tuned. The cover will be coming.