
The prisoner, once the King’s trusted bodyguard and most re-
nowned steward, had been with Them from the beginning. He was
there when El created time. He was there when El took an entire
day to establish the laws of electromagnetism and took another
day creating gravity separating the waters—drying the earth. The
prisoner was there when El called forth every living plant. He stood
beside El when El placed lights in the sky, set the moon in its or-
bit, and lit the sun. He was there when El created fish and birds.
He was there when El formed the man, breathing life into the one
called Dusty.

There is a lot of doctrine in this one paragraph: Satan had a very high position before he rebelled.

“In the beginning” could this mean “When God created time?”

God said, “Let there be light.” Would this refer to the entire spectrum of electromagnetism including heat, ultra-violate and x-rays? This took an entire day. The last I checked, we still do not know what exactly what electromagnetism is. We know how to use it. We know some of its properties. but all we have are theories and guesses as to what it really is.

After electromagnetism, God created gravity. This is another mystery. We know nothing about it, but we do not know what it is or how to control it.

Then there is life: first plant life. Does anyone here know how to take a bunch of atoms and molecules and assemble them to to make a cell? What about making a living cell capable of producing food, using and converting energy, able to replicate itself? To have built in it all the information required to run every process required to live and sustain life. This took another day.

Then there is life: first plant life. Does anyone here know how to take a bunch of atoms and molecules and assemble them to to make a cell? What about making a living cell capable of producing food, using and converting energy, able to replicate itself? To have built in it all the information required to run every process required to live and sustain life. This took another day.

Then, after working on the smallest cellular level of every living plant, he placed the stars in the sky. from the smallest to the largest. We still do not know how big the universe is.

Then he upped his daily challenge. He crated the fish and birds. are insects among this group? I think it would take all day just to make one kind of bug. oops, a bird ate it. Now what? back to the drawing board.

Each day he ups the anti. Now he makes the animals. each one more complicated than the previous. Finally he makes a man. I call him Dusty because he was made from dust. I suppose we could call him Adam because he was made from atoms.

Then, later, he takes Adam, or Dusty, and makes an improvement: from a clay pot to fine china. Such an improvement, he did not start from scratch, but modified the model to a higher level. like taking a VW bug and making a Porsche or a Ford Mustang into a Shelby: a Man into a Woman.
