Noah’s Page

Hello, I’m Noah.

I really do not know why God chose me. I was happy tending to my little farm and my few animals.

Don’t get me wrong, I love His Majesty and I did spend my entire 500th birthday offering sacrifices to our King. After all, Who could be more important to spend an important day like that with than the giver of life himself?

Well, t was time to move my flock to the northern pasture and that is what i was doing when Tom, and Halak visited my field with friends. El, was dressed with clothing wheck definately had a red theme to it. and I sneced other visitors also, Strange, Icould not see them, but I am certain there were two others with them.

Anyway, I offered them the usual hospitality, rest, food, and protection. They accepted and we talked. At the end of the talk, He gave me plans stating he wanted me to build a box large enough to house a sample of every kind of animal ever created. Now, you tell me. How am I, a farmer. suppose to build a box like this?