Professor Tur:

Hello, My name is Professor Tur. I spent the day looking for Tom. Sometimes he wanders off and no one can find him. In my case, I was looking for him to help me with a special assignment.

I am probably one of the most fortunate scientists in all of heaven. I was assigned this portion of the Milky Way Galaxy which includes the planet Earth. Shortly after my assignment, I came here to her moon and noticed that her moon rotates in such a way that the same side of her always faces the planet. So, I built this observatory. That was sure a long time ago. Now I employ over a thousand scientists just to keep up with all the discoveries.

Anyway, there she is: always in the same place directly above us. She is a beauty isn’t she, the Emerald Planet. All green with just a few spots of blue here and there.

I built this observatory back in the day when we were allowed to visit the planet any time we wanted. It did not take long to gather so much information that the scientific branch of the Heavenly News Network joined us to broadcast our findings to all of the universe and all the heavens.

But work slowed after Adam rebelled. Lucifer took over the management of the planet which had belonged to Adam and his decedents. We no longer had easy access to the planet. Then, after El placed the ban on the planet research became very difficult, indeed.

Nevertheless, our task is to discover and categorize as much information as we can about this planet — before the planet is gone. When El promises to do something, you can rest assured that it will be done and He promised to send a mabbul to destroy the earth. The only question is how will He do it?

Our Job is to investigate and inform all the heavens of the wonderful things El made. I was there when El created time, The elements, electromagnetism, gravity, the universe, plant life, sea life, animal life and mankind. We spent over sixteen hundred years learning the secrets of creation as best we could, Unfortunately, El created everything with such intricacies and infinite detail that many of the secrets of life are still not understood.

For example, we still do not understand electromagnetism, or gravity, and we definitely cannot control time. In fact, Nakar and I spent an entire interview session one time discussing evidence that the speed of light is slowing down. But it was too difficult a read so the chapter was deleted. I still have it here, somewhere. When I find it, I will place it in the deleted chapters section of this site.

Some people think I still get too technical. But how am I suppose to explain wind without the Bernoulli principle; or the characteristics of pressurized water without a discussion of “flash”? If I am talking about why the crust broke in the first place, I need to discuss Fatigue, tensile strength and elasticity. I try to keep it simple. Nakar helps with the explanations when I do get too technical.

God is the God of science. Scientific laws are consistent and reliable because He is constant and reliable. All the great scientists became great when they discovered the obvious truths and laws that God uses to govern nature.

I suppose, however, I should discuss the current events.

I was given a special assignment to explain some of our discoveries and how we think the mabbul or flood might take place. The first thing I need to explain is what the world might have looked like before the flood according to the hydroplate theory.

You see, Earth did not look at all like it does now. It had a continuous crust about ten miles thick with a thin layer of pressurized water between the crust and mantle. It had no oceans like we have today. instead maybe small seas scattered here and there.

The mountains which you know now, did not exist then. The world was smooth like the great planes, only everywhere. The mountains and topography we know today is the result of a great disaster. Its like if you were to drive a brand new car out of a showroom: everything is smooth, there are no nicks or scratches. But then, after you wrap it around a tree somewhere, new and exciting bulges, rifts and valleys appear.

That is how it was with the crust. At first the crust was broken into several large pieces. Then the pieces moved, and when they collided with each other, great mountains and volcanoes occurred.

Now, if you will excuse me, I have some matters which need my attention.