Stream of Consciousness:

The phrase ‘stream of consciousness’ refers to an uninterrupted and unhindered collection and occurrence of thoughts and ideas in the conscious mind. In literature, the phrase refers to the flow of these thoughts, with reference to a particular character’s thinking process. This literary device is usually used in order to provide a narrative in the form of the character’s thoughts instead of using dialogue or description.

It appears that the part where I intentionally uses this device, found its way to the cutting room floor. Excerpt from the deleted portion of chapter eight The pool:

“I remember this,” Tom said sadly, as he watched the monitor. “I kept wondering why they would not welcome me. How was it they didn’t know I had come to get to know them?”

“Give us your thoughts, Tom,” requested Nakar gently as the Tom in the monitor finally closed his mouth. His eyebrows wrinkled in confusion. He stood there looking at each human, one at a time.

Tom began to speak in a streaming thought narration: “In heaven, a stranger is welcomed with kindness and opened arms. We take every effort to make a stranger feel comfortable and welcome. Meeting someone new is an opportunity for making another lifelong friend. It is always a joyful occasion when someone new comes around. Many communities frequently post watchers – just in case someone should happen by.

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