Tom’s Page:

Hi. My name is Tom.

I know you can’t tell it from where you are, but I am actually over sixteen hundred years old. We angels live a long time. Actually, we are immortal. This comes in handy when I get too close to some disaster. As you can imagine, reporting on a flood where everyone dies, is an example of where immortality pays off.

You can call me an extra-terrestrial if you don’t like to think in terms of angels and demon’s but it’s the same thing. We did not originate from your planet.

I work here at the Heavenly News Network as a reporter. Actually, we live on the moon and broadcast from Professor Tur’s Observatory. My partners are Halak, Lat, and . Halak is my camera man; Lat, he is the sound guy, and Simmur. That is my team. There are three teams here, Chatubath and Shama head up the other two teams. Nakar is our leader.

I suppose you are wondering why you can’t see my wings. Well, that’s simple, when we are not flying, we have the option of retracting our wings. Then we wear human clothing. This comes in handy when we visit the planet. Besides, jeans are comfortable.

The reason I look like I am only seventeen, is because I recently came back from reporting on a supernova. I got too close. As I mentioned, angels are immortal. We can’t die, but we can get hurt. Whenever I get too close to something and experience something that would most likely kill you humans, My teammates carry me off to see El, and He applies some of that healing ointment on me. While it heals me, it also removes a few years. The bigger the scrape, the younger I get.

This is not my first Job. I was in the military during the great rebellion when Lucifer convinced one third of the angels for rebel against The King. My job was to infiltrate their ranks, but Halak and I were captured and kept prisoner until Lucifer was captured and held for trial.

It was during the trial that Lucifer challenged the King stating that the humans would also rebel if given the chance. He made a bet that the human, Dusty, would disobey our creator.

That’s when the two trees were made. The one would give life, the other would give death and lucifer would have power and control over the entire earth.

Well that’ what happened. Dusty disobeyed so death and sickness came to live on Earth.

After some 1500 years, things got so bad that El went to see for himself. I was working at H.N.N. Headquarters at the time, and because of my military background, El selected me to tour the planet with him.

We started in the Garden, then followed one of the rivers to a pond where we met some humans. We spent four chapters looking around. At the end of that time, El, Chakam, and the King met to discuss what they were going to do. El gave his report, then recommended that they destroy the planet. They place a ban on Earth so only a few could ever visit it.

I transferred to H.N.N. Science, Milky Way Galaxy, Solar System, Earth just so I could be near her.

After some twenty years, there was a report of a faithful man who continued to worship El.

El, and I went to investigate.

We found a 500 year old farmer who was trying to be obedient. El, asked him to build a box to keep a sample of every kind of animal safe during the flood.

Over the next one hundred years only a few reports were smuggled off the planet as Noah continued building the ark. I was fortunate enough to narrate them all.

This brings us to the middle of the story and before I go any further, I want you to meet some of the other characters in the book. Both Chatubath and Shama are here somewhere. You will also want to meet Professor Tur. Hey Guy’s where are you?



Professor Tur